Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Larsen's "Title of Liberty"

I am so excited about my Family Home Evening tonight, I have to share.

A cute fam shod in President's Choice Aluminum Foil (Shield, Helmet, Sword).
Flag: A Polka-dotted pillow case.
Pole: Old witches broom for a flag.
Fabric Markers.
Bible and Book of Mormon

Today while I was studying I had a strong feeling that our family would be blessed by having a defined GOAL, and a STRATEGY to get there.

As a family we are studying the heroic stories of Captain Moroni, Helaman and the Stripling Warriors (Awesome stories, especially the 2060 brave young boys, fighting for the freedom of their families and attributing their strength and faith to their Mothers who taught them about God. READ it HERE.)

Truthfully, I never really enjoyed these stories like I do now that I am not only reading but, explaining the stories verse by verse to the kids (ages 3 and 5). The other day Ky came up to me and handed me a drawing explaining it was an "epistle" from her to me.

And so, tonight for Family Home Evening we are going to "Strategize" just like all the great Captains of the Bible and Book of Mormon do in war. With Satan waging a war against all of us, including my sweet little ones I feel like it's time that they help mommy in the battle to fortify our family (Family Prayer/Scripture study, and Family Home Evening). They are diligent warriors in the fight for clean teeth, always reminding me even when I'm too tired and wish they would forget just this once and go to bed, teeth unbrushed and all, but they don't forget much at their age. So, what better way to help our family remember the little things that matter most.

In conference Elder Bednar told a story about raising his kids and trying to do the small things. He said things didn't always go as planned, instead there was a lot of:
"He touched me", "She looked at me" and "Dad, He's breathing my air!"
I loved this story because it really hits home, so much of what we try for doesn't go as planned. Elder Bednar goes on to say, if he asked his grown boys what they remember most about family prayer, scriptures, and family night it would probably be that the CONSISTENCY of always doing it. I can see how this would be such a invaluable lesson. And, I want my children to be able to fall back on knowing how to be consistent in living the gospel too, especially later in trying times when they are on their own.