Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Ky Funnies.

Ky: "I can't wait to read the new Unicorn book with you!!"

Ky's first grade dress.
Mom: "Actually, I didn't buy it because it talked about some bad things" (the dad leaves his wife and kids)

Ky: (noddling her head) "Like Mud?"

Another Ky funny. Last week I got a call from a friend who's daughter rides home on the bus with Ky. I guess this little girl came home worried that "Ky and her family didn't have food or a house because her family is so poor." When her mom asked why she thought this she said, "Kyanne said her family gives all their money to the kids in Africa. Do we have to do that mom?"

Wish I could take credit for this generous idea, but it's all Ky's. While we are trying to help her school raise money for a school house in Africa, we still have food of our own. Her imagination has been doing overtime this week.

She also came home from school on Friday after the field trip and told me her teacher didn't let her go because she didn't receive her permission form. After having called the school and left 3 messages last week to ensure they received the permission form, and finally talking to Ky's teacher that morning who said she had received it, I was livid.

I did what any over reacting Mother Bear would do, I called and wrote a "I mean this in the nicest way possible" email to the teacher. But, lo and behold this too was only due to Ky's imagination, she had attended the field trip. Awh, I only felt like a semi-idiot when the teacher called me back very confused.

1 comment:

Nina said...

I just love this kid!