Thursday, November 27, 2008

Strategy: Fail your way to Perfection

The thought often crosses my mind: Who's big idea was it too let me be in charge of these precious little ones, anyhow? But, as I've stepped back and really ponder it, I realize just how perfect this plan is (at least in the long run).

We get to try our best, succeed and fail -sometimes all in one breath, and be humbled time and time again. (ie. KY-ANNE! Leave Bridge Alone for the 300th time!" Just then, I realize she's just saved him from some major catastophy. [Humbled], "I sorry Honey, I thought. . .")

In the same token, our kids develop divine qualities such as: compassion, patience, and forgiveness as they endure the
inadequacies of their very human parents.

And, together we all become more like our Father in Heaven who is perfect and
Happy and we get to be Happy too!-At least this is the pep talk I give myself at the end of the day. I'm surprised at just how I want to rip my hair out strand by strand in hopes of forgetting about the toothpaste all over "my baby", not my Finley-baby, -worse, my MacBook-baby, or how about the water spilling over the bathroom sink onto the floor all in the name of an unauthorized tea party, the purple marker all over the slide on Kys bed, the dozen half eaten apples that decorated the floor when I woke, or the shampoo poured in diliberate little puddles around my bed (this all happened: yesterday. Here's an excerpt from one of my favorite talks, you can click the link below to read the whole talk.
"I was recently at a park where I met a group of women. They were bright and had obtained advanced degrees from respected universities. Now they were devoting their considerable gifts to planning dinner that evening and sharing housekeeping ideas. They were teaching two-year-olds to be kind to one another. They were soothing babies, kissing bruised knees, and wiping tears.
I asked one of those mothers how it came about that she could transfer her talents so cheerfully into the role of motherhood. She replied, “I know who I am, and I know what I am supposed to do. The rest just follows.” That young mother will build faith and character in the next generation one family prayer at a time, one scripture study session, one book read aloud, one song, one family meal after another. She is involved in a great work. She knows that “children are an heritage of the Lord” and “happy is the [woman] that hath [a] quiver full of them” (Ps. 127:3, 5). She knows that the influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily mothering is far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential than any earthly position or institution invented by man."
Julie B. Beck, “A ‘Mother Heart’,” Ensign, May 2004, 75

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