Thankful for...
Thankful for my 3 sweet babies! I love them so much words couldn't suffice.
- Thankful I'm married to my favorite friend in all the world!
- Thankful I get to wake up and snuggle with him and the kiddies each morning.
- Thankful I get to not only live with my cute husband, 3 kids, but my favorite Meggie too. Thankful that she never plans to move away. When she gets married we'll just build her and her husband their very own room with a door and everything.
- Thankful for our little smart baby that already knows how to walk and toddle around after her siblings at 9 months old! I was surprised how much I loved Bridgey moments after he was born, and when I had Fin I was again surprised at how much I loved her the moment she arrived on Earth. It just makes me want to have 10 more!
- Thankful that Bridgey has learned how to whisper. If he can't get my attention he starts whispering, it's so cute what else can I do but, oblige him.
- Thankful that Ky's 4 and so much fun to hang out with. We have real conversations, play house, make treats, clean, quilt, or do crafts together. It like a little friend all day long.
- Thankful for grandma's and grandpa's. I love how delighted the kids are at the sheer mention of their grandparents. Ky prays for them pretty consistently and speaks of them daily. Her Nana and Grandma Larsen are by far some of her bestfriends. Right up there with Lexi and Mamie. That's saying alot.
- Thankful for my Mom. Thankful for her kind heart and example of great love, and the happiness that comes from losing your life in service. When I was growing up I wasn't sure I wanted to marry, but I was absolutely sure I wanted to be a mother because my mom made it look so wonderful. She probably told us daily how much she loved being our mom.
- Thankful for my testimony of Heavenly Father's love. I know that I am His daughter and he cares about even the small things that matter to me. When I was a little girl I attended the nearby Baptist church with a neighbor each week. There in Sunday school they taught me about the Savior and how to pray. I'm so grateful for those early testimony building experiences and for that kind family who thought to invite an 8 year old out to church.
Many thanks for sharing your many thanks.
oooooooh that is a very good list of thankfuls!
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