Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fin's new Mullet

I have to say I am feeling a twinge of regret for a few things now, namely;
-leaving hair scissors within reach of a two year old. -ignoring the naughty little pitter-patter of footsteps I heard during nap time today.
-and for all the times I complained about Fin's "whispy... straggly... unruly hair".
As, now all there is to say is:


When she came down the stairs smiling, scissors in hand, I felt like I had been gut checked.

I have to say I was surprised at my own reaction I always thought I'd think it was more funny than anything, take a roll of film and call it good. But no, my reaction was more of a involuntarily gasp, in which she doubled over in hysterics at!

I think she thought I was playing with her, so of course, I needed to straighten her out. After all, Hair, is no laughing matter.

After giving that naughty 2 year old a hefty lecture about who is and is NOT allowed to use the scissors, she turned to me, with her little lip quivering and said,
"Mommy? You be nice to me??" Her plea was so disarming, it even made her freshly cut Mullet seem darling.